Creating Confident Learners for Life


About Us

The Peter Clark Center for Mind, Brain, and Education fuels teaching and learning excellence by bridging research and practice for faculty, students, and parents. We support every child to be a student at Breck and a learner for life. To reach every student, we work with every teacher.

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“When you know yourself as a learner, it helps you know how to learn. For example, I know the approach I take for different subjects and how much work I can do. With math, I have something in my head that tells me to keep trying. I know that eventually I can work out the problem and knowing that I can do it makes me want to try even harder. In science, if I try something and it doesn’t work, I move on to another problem and come back to it. I switch my brain away from it instead of what I do in math where I try to look at the same problem in a different way. In science, I do another problem because I know I need to take care of my brain in a different way. In English, I don’t think of reading as homework because I’m happy to read. But in writing, I try to get through it as quickly as possible. Sometimes I really need to stick with something as a writer because I just want to get done. I feel like I know my limits. I want to know how I learn because I think it does help me to learn better. If I know how I learn best, then I can do what I need to do to learn more effectively.“
— Student, Class of 2023
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Research Partners

We are currently partnered with Dr. David Daniel at James Madison University and The Center for Transformative Teaching & Learning.

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